Things to know when opening a coffee shop…

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1. Introduction Opening a business is getting easier and easier, but opening a pure coffee shop can sometimes be difficult for many people. Therefore, the article below from Lam Chan Au Tea & Coffee Co., Ltd. will help you equip yourself with the knowledge to easily open a pure coffee shop with ease.

2. The premises are suitable for the shop

To fulfill that wish, I spent all my free time looking for a premises to open a pure coffee shop, but finding a premises was very difficult and strenuous. The special thing you have to pay attention to when renting a space is the customer’s view of the street, the amount of vehicle traffic at the restaurant location, and where to park. Many shops that have been open for less than three months have had to close because when rented, although the area is large, the length is more than the width, so customers are crowded in and out and cars easily encroach on the sidewalk.

3.Recruit employees

If you don’t have to work and have time to directly manage the shop, it will be a lot easier. If you don’t have to work at the shop and dare to hand over your shop to the staff so you can go to work, it’s very difficult. risky, but no matter what, employee selection is very important. When interviewing, you must pay special attention to the way you speak, whether you are polite or not. From the way you speak, you will know whether that person is honest, hardworking, or obedient. to decide which type to choose.

The special thing when recruiting employees is that it is very important to clearly state the work that needs to be done, clearly state from A-Z, what to do first when entering the job, and then how to talk to customers. … but it is necessary to say everything so that you can feel whether you can do it or not, to avoid the situation of quitting after a few days of work and seeing that the work is not to your liking.

  1. Customer care

There are all kinds of customers, some are easy-going, some are difficult, some drink slightly sweet coffee, some medium sweet, some bitter, some don’t drink sugar. Experience when dealing in pure coffee is that for first-time customers, you should instruct the staff after they finish drinking to ask if you like the coffee I brewed like that, and they will Show you where you are lacking. Besides, you will also know if their preference is to drink bitter or sweet coffee so that the next time they come in, you will know how to brew it according to their wishes.

Lam Chan Au Coffee is a famous coffee brand in Vietnam, a production facility and specializes in distributing all kinds of clean coffee, 100% pure coffee, creating the best quality and perfect products for your hands. consumers. We provide roasted and ground coffee at the most reasonable price and quality, meeting customers’ requirements and protecting their own interests. If you need more advice about types of coffee, please contact Lam Chan Au Coffee for free advice.


Company address: 943 Tay Hue 1, My Hoa, Long Xuyen City, An Giang

Branch 1: No. 40, Hai Ba Trung, Long Xuyen City, An Giang

Branch 2: No. 741 Ha Hoang Ho – Dong Xuyen, Long Xuyen City, An Giang

Tel : 0383005996

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