Pure coffee helps prevent the aging process, did you know?

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  1. Introduction

Using pure coffee to apply a mask will increase elasticity and bring smoothness to the skin. Coffee contains caffeine, which has the effect of removing excess blood under the eyes and preventing aging, so it is used for beauty.

  1. Clean, pure coffee contains many antioxidants

Aging has many causes: genetics, age, sunlight, which produces factors called free radicals in the oxidation process in cells. Normally, oxygen from the air participates in the metabolism of nutrients, creating energy to supply the body’s activities.

But about 2% of the oxygen the body uses every day along with organic substances (amino acids, steroids, fatty acids…) does not create energy but produces free radicals. Organic substances react with these free radicals, especially attacking cell membrane phospholipids, causing cell membrane damage and disrupting the exchange of substances between cells and the outside world. The cell’s genetic system is also attacked by these free radicals, causing mutations and cancer.

Pure coffee contains 5-caffeoylquinic acid and dihydrocaffeic acid, which increase antioxidant capacity and fight the aging process. Pure coffee contains a high proportion of quinic acid, which has the ability to prevent the formation of wrinkles on the face.

Pure coffee contains melanoidin, which has the ability to prevent and purify active oxygen. In the list of 10 natural antioxidants established by American scientists, pure coffee along with tea tops the list. Next are bananas, beans, corn, apples, tomatoes, sour fruits, red and yellow fruits, and green vegetables.

In addition to the substances mentioned above, pure coffee beans also contain high levels of polyphenols and some minerals such as Mg, Ca, K, which are useful antioxidants. These substances help neutralize free radicals to prevent cell and DNA damage in cardiovascular diseases, cancer and the aging process, causing premature aging.

  1. Pure coffee helps soothe sensitive skin

Every girl wants to take good care of her skin so that it can look radiant, but there are many teenage girls who are very miserable because their skin is so sensitive, it turns red every time. For teenage girls with fragile skin like this, it’s normal for their skin to burn when exposed to the sun.

If you are also on the list of people with weak skin like this, think about coffee right away, because coffee has anti-inflammatory properties and helps soothe burning skin!

  1. Pure coffee helps burn fat and tighten the skin

Surely you girls must have heard about cellulite or cellulite at least once, right? Cellulite is a phenomenon where fat accumulates in small lumps under the skin, making the skin not look smooth at all.

It’s not just overweight girls who get it, even the slimmest people still have cellulite skin. To eliminate stubborn fat that makes the skin rough, we can massage with ground coffee grounds. The benefits are great, not only does it burn fat, but it also makes the skin much smoother and firmer.

  1. Drinking coffee helps lose weight

You can also drink a little coffee about 30 minutes before exercising, your body will be more excited, the fatty acids will turn into energy to speed up the burning of excess fat during exercise.

In addition to drinking coffee to lose weight, using coffee grounds for massage is also another way to lose weight with coffee. Using coffee grounds to massage areas that easily accumulate fat such as the lower abdomen, thighs, waist… can achieve slimming effects by burning fat, especially massaging while bathing will achieve better results.

Lam Chan Au Coffee is a famous coffee brand in Vietnam, a production and distribution facility specializing in the distribution of 100% pure coffee that will create the best quality and perfect products for consumers. We provide roasted and ground coffee at the most reasonable price and quality, meeting customers’ requirements and protecting their own interests. If you need more advice about types of coffee, please contact Lam Chan Au Coffee for free advice.


Company address: 943 Tay Hue 1, My Hoa, Long Xuyen City, An Giang

Branch 1: No. 40, Hai Ba Trung, Long Xuyen City, An Giang

Branch 2: No. 741 Ha Hoang Ho – Dong Xuyen, Long Xuyen City, An Giang

Tel : 0383005996

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